Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Addyson is getting SOOO big SOOO quick!

She LOVES playing with her kittens and puppies...and is SO sweet to them! This morning the kitten jumped into her playpen and she was SO excited! She perked up from not feeling well REALLY quickly!

Oh...and we have learned 3 new words..."Don't","Yes", (she even nods her head when she says yes!) and "Ow"

We are cutting 4 molars right now...and REALLY putting mommy and daddy through the ringer! Mommy was up with her from 12:30-3:30 last night dealing with the whole teething/tummy upset.

This is going to sound horrible...but she has become SO clingy! And most of the time I LOVE IT! She is into cuddling with me BIG TIME!

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